
It’s always pleasant when our areas sports teams do well. The Denver Nuggets are headed back to the NBA playoffs this coming weekend to defend last year’s world championship. The Denver University Pioneers men’s hockey team just won the NCAA national title. The Broncos and Rockies…. uh.. wait… this is about our teams doing well…

Anyway, when our teams do well, it has a significant impact on our local community. It fosters a sense of identity and provides opportunity for people to come together and celebrate. It unites us with a common cause.

God instituted community. As a matter of fact, we were created for community by a Community.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26

The first Community ever was perfect. They were full of love, light, and truth. God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They worked together as a perfect team. Each investing in the others. Each producing. Each giving. Each doing their part. Together, creating us in their image.

Imagine for a moment if the Nuggets or Pioneers failed to play as a team or if certain team members decided they weren’t going to show up. They wouldn’t succeed, we wouldn’t come together and celebrate, etc.

Being part of a community that God has instituted means that all of us are commissioned by Him and given the opportunity to be part of something way bigger than ourselves. Together, and with the power and authority of Jesus Christ, we are called to make a difference. To be image-bearers. To shine light and save souls.

If John Elway decided that during the 1998 and 1999 NFL seasons he was going to play running back instead of quarterback, the Broncos would not have been Super Bowl Champions. In the same way, God has gifted you to play a specific and significant role in your community…

How will you glorify the Lord by playing your part well?


Other- centeredness


“Fill and Be Filled”