Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen


By understanding where people are coming from, we can better serve them and demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Blessings to All

As we do our part, we can trust the Lord to do His… generously giving blessings to all.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

All People Bear the Image of God

Loving others because they bear the image of God should be evident in our daily lives. Practically, it means treating people with kindness, patience, and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our love should not be limited to those who are easy to love but be extended to the marginalized, the difficult, and even our enemies.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Serving as a Christian

As we serve others, it’s helpful to be reminded that we’re following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ Himself.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Lost Sheep

...we reflect the heart of the Good Shepherd, who rejoices over every lost sheep that is found.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Unlocking Blessings With Gratitude

Gratitude is as a powerful counterbalance between the ways of the world and the ways of Christ. Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have, and in doing so, it transforms our perspective so we can see the way things really are.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Sharing Jesus With Those in Need

What we do at Kitchen One for One is much more about sharing Jesus with people than it is filling their bellies. When we take that part seriously, God is able to do some amazing things.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Steward Other People Well

…it is our responsibility to listen to them. Like, really listen to them. Try to hear their hearts, and then respond in a way that shows them they’ve been heard, what they say matters, who they are matters, that they have value, and that we want to help meet their needs.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Serve Well

Serving others isn’t supposed to be about grand gestures that bring attention to ourselves, but about everyday acts done in love.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Love God Above All Else

When we genuinely love God, He is the most important thing in our lives. We are to love God above all else.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen


And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15)

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen


Following and being a disciple of Christ requires humility. It requires us to pause and invite the Holy Spirit in to guide our thoughts and feelings as we go through life. We have to humbly ask the Lord to reveal the areas of ourselves where pride gets in the way and hinders us from loving God and others well (or receiving love from God and others well).

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen


Kitchen One for One is a ministry, serving a specific purpose within God’s Kingdom, that is made up of a team consisting of volunteers, donors, some staff members, and a Board.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Be comforted, and then go.

It’s so important for each of us to go directly to the source of what we really, truly need. It’s important to seek the Lord for the comfort His loving mercy provides.

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen


Do you ever notice how, often times, when we pray, we ask God to “be with us” in whatever we’ve already decided to do? What if you were to ask the Lord what He’s up to and if it would be alright for you to join Him there?

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Chris Kilcullen Chris Kilcullen

Enjoy the Moment… Have Fun!

Be sure to enjoy the journey, and don’t run the rat race that life can become, because it’s all meaningless!

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