Advent: Experiencing the Joy
As we enter this third week of Advent, we reflect on the theme of joy. It's a time to celebrate the underlying joy that comes from our faith in Jesus Christ and to share that joy with those around us.
Advent: Embracing the True Spirit of the Season
At Kitchen One for One, we’re blessed with the opportunity to share this peace with others, particularly with those who might not otherwise experience the peace, love, and joy this season is meant to bring. Our mission goes beyond providing meals; it’s about extending the peace and hope of Christ to those we serve.
Advent: Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing
As we enter the Advent season, it's a good time to reflect on our calling to serve within God’s Kingdom and support causes that promote God's agenda.
Abiding in Christ, Bearing His Fruit
There’s a necessary connection between abiding in Christ and bearing the right kind of fruit.
We Are Thankful for You
We want to express our deepest gratitude for your commitment to the Kitchen One for One mission. You are the backbone of this ministry, and your efforts are incredibly appreciated. We couldn’t do this without each and every one of you.
Finding Purpose Through Service
Whether we are in positions of power, or seemingly insignificant roles, our dedication to serving God and others can lead to extraordinary outcomes.
The Power of Gratitude
Our thankfulness can be a powerful witness to others, reflecting the light and love of Christ. Our service together is an opportunity to spread gratitude and inspire others to recognize God’s blessings.
Reflecting Christ in ALL We Do
As Christians, we’re called to reflect Christ in everything. This calling is especially relevant during culturally significant events like Halloween, where our actions and choices can either darken or illuminate the love and truth of Jesus.
Devoted to God, Devoted to One Another
They were loyal, faithful, committed, true, devout, dedicated, steadfast, fond of, loving toward God and others.
Blessings to All
As we do our part, we can trust the Lord to do His… generously giving blessings to all.
All People Bear the Image of God
Loving others because they bear the image of God should be evident in our daily lives. Practically, it means treating people with kindness, patience, and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our love should not be limited to those who are easy to love but be extended to the marginalized, the difficult, and even our enemies.
Serving as a Christian
As we serve others, it’s helpful to be reminded that we’re following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ Himself.
Lost Sheep
...we reflect the heart of the Good Shepherd, who rejoices over every lost sheep that is found.
Unlocking Blessings With Gratitude
Gratitude is as a powerful counterbalance between the ways of the world and the ways of Christ. Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have, and in doing so, it transforms our perspective so we can see the way things really are.
Sharing Jesus With Those in Need
What we do at Kitchen One for One is much more about sharing Jesus with people than it is filling their bellies. When we take that part seriously, God is able to do some amazing things.
Volunteering with Kitchen One for One
Our service is a testament to the power of God’s love.
Steward Other People Well
…it is our responsibility to listen to them. Like, really listen to them. Try to hear their hearts, and then respond in a way that shows them they’ve been heard, what they say matters, who they are matters, that they have value, and that we want to help meet their needs.