All People Bear the Image of God

"Now tell us what you think about this: Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

But Jesus knew their evil motives. “You hypocrites!” He said. “Why are you trying to trap me? Here, show me the coin used for the tax.” When they handed Him a Roman coin, He asked, “Whose picture and title are stamped on it?”

“Caesar’s,” they replied.

“Well, then,” He said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” His reply amazed them, and they went away.

Matthew 22:17-22

This passage highlights the importance of recognizing and honoring the image of God in every person. God created humanity in His own image, and this divine imprint grants inherent dignity and worth upon every single individual. As Christians, our worldview should reflect the fact that EVERYONE is valuable and worthy of our love and compassion. As a “ministry” representing Christ, this theology is woven into the fabric of what we do.

In the above story, Jesus’ response goes beyond the issue of taxes. When Jesus refers to the image on the coin, He’s subtly reminding us that just as the coin bears Caesar’s image, every human being bears God’s image. This understanding should shape our attitudes and interactions toward others. By emphasizing the need to give to God what is God’s, He calls us to recognize and respect the divine image in each person. This respect translates into love and compassion, as Jesus taught in other parts of the Gospels. For instance, in Matthew 22:39, just several verses later, He commands us to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Loving others is a direct reflection of our love for God. 

Loving others because they bear the image of God should be evident in our daily lives. Practically, it means treating people with kindness, patience, and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances. Our love should not be limited to those who are easy to love but be extended to the marginalized, the difficult, and even our enemies. By doing so, we honor God and reflect His love to the world. (Sounds a lot like what we do at Kitchen One for One, right?!)

Despite God’s clear call for us to love others, we often face obstacles like prejudice, fear, and selfishness. Recognizing that every person is made in God’s image can help us overcome these barriers. It challenges us to look beyond external differences and see the beauty and value within all people.

As followers of Christ, we are called to pass His love to others. By recognizing the divine image in every person, we can cultivate a culture of respect, compassion, and unity. Let’s strive to live out this call to love, honoring God in all we do at Kitchen One for One!


Blessings to All


So loved, whosoever.