
God’s relational nature is reflected in the why and in the way He created us, His creation.

Having an intimate and personal relationship with God that overflows into shared spaces with other people lies at the very heart of walking with Jesus. By continually pursuing God in prayer, study of scripture, and spiritual awareness, we open ourselves up to receive divine peace, purpose, wisdom, comfort, courage, etc. that should naturally present itself to the world around us.

Jesus modeled a life of intimacy with God, and by giving us His Holy Spirit, He invites us to do the same. And when what we say conforms to what we do, other people will naturally trust that what we have is genuine and want to know more… thus, a seed has been planted.

But… What if the seed had never been planted for you?

  • And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10:15

 Our relational connection with God through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, coupled with our words and actions, are a witness to other people. Whether we are at home with our families, interacting with coworkers, volunteering in a kitchen, or serving the homeless out on a street corner, we are all called to be “messengers” of the Gospel that saves souls and sets captives free!


Love God Above All Else


Because He Says So