Sharing Jesus With Those in Need

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

Jesus makes it clear that His mission is “to seek and to save the lost”. And because we are called to be like Christ, our mission should be the same as His. In fact, in conversation with the Father the night before He went to the cross, Jesus spells it out for us: “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” John 17:18

What we do at Kitchen One for One is much more about sharing Jesus with people than it is filling their bellies. When we take that part seriously, God is able to do some amazing things.

Whether we’re serving somehow within the confines of a ministry like Kitchen One for One or just out and about living our lives, sharing Jesus with those in need is a powerful way to offer hope and support.

Here are some practical steps you can take:

  • Live a Godly life… Your actions often speak louder than words. We are called to show kindness, patience, and love in our daily interactions. People are more likely to be receptive to your message if they can see the positive impact of your faith in your life.

  • Meet practical needs… Addressing immediate needs like food, shelter, and emotional support can open doors with those in need for deeper conversations about faith. 

  • Listen and empathize… Take the time to listen to people’s stories and struggles. Show genuine empathy and understanding in order to build trust and show you care.

  • Share your testimony… Your own story of how Jesus has impacted your life can be very powerful. Sharing your story is part of sharing Jesus with others, and it makes the message relatable and shows that change is possible.

  • Use simple, clear language… Not everyone speaks Christianese. Explain the gospel in a way that’s easy to understand. 

  • Pray for guidance… Ask God to lead you to those in need, to guide your interactions, and to give you the right words to say. Pray for the people you’re reaching out to, that their hearts may be open to the message you bring.

  • Be Patient and respectful… Not everyone will be ready to accept your message about Jesus, so remember to be patient and respectful of their journey. Continue to show love and support regardless of their response.

By combining these approaches, you can effectively share the love and message of Jesus with those in need, offering them both practical help and spiritual hope!


Unlocking Blessings With Gratitude


Volunteering with Kitchen One for One