Using Your Voice

There’s been a lot of talk about homelessness and those in need and what should be done about the “problem”. Local news outlets have been reporting more and more on the issue. People in general have been having more discussions about the topic because it is spreading further and further into the public eye. People are using their voices, as everyone seems to have an opinion. Unfortunately, a lot of the voices and opinions out there are not of God.

Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice. Proverbs 31:9

Your voice is a tool, given to you by God, that can be used to speak up and stand up for what is right according to God’s Word. Using your voice for truth (Jesus said He is the truth) is an important part of God’s plan.

Your voice matters.

This is taken from the Center for Faith & Culture’s website: “We have a voice. When we speak, people listen. We’ve been given instruments of influence. Some of us have more influence than others, but we all can leverage our spheres of influence for His kingdom. We use our voices in many ways. We use them to share the gospel. We use them to shape people’s understanding of issues we’re passionate about. With our voices, we champion causes. We comfort the suffering. We encourage, respond, embolden, warn, inspire, and teach. We point people to Christ. We use our voices with intentionality and wisdom, not just to add to the noise. Not only do we want to add value to the conversation, we want to start new conversations. We want people to know and worship the almighty God. We use our voices to this end.”

A couple very practical ways to use your voice for God as someone involved with Kitchen One for One:

  • Be a source of hope and encouragement for those experiencing a difficult time. (Volunteering at our serving events and interacting with our guests is a great way to do this!)

  • Help advance the mission and vision of the ministry God has given to Kitchen One for One. You never know who’s listening and how the Holy Spirit will act through the power of your voice. When you advocate for the things that concern God, He blesses it. (Scripture is chalked full of passages about how God wants us to help those in need.)


“Fill and Be Filled”


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